Build Custom Integrations with our API

Create unique solutions between Gmelius and the rest of your tech stack.
10,000+ teams are more aligned & spend less time managing their inbox thanks to Gmelius.

Sync your Project Management app with Kanban boards in Gmail.

Synchronize emails with your tasks and projects in Asana, Monday, ClickUp or Jira.  Import your project boards inside Gmail.

Route emails to the right person based on ownership in your CRM or ERP.

Automatically distribute emails and tasks within your organization depending on your teammates’ responsibilities in a Google Sheet, CRM or ERP.

Bring actionable customer insights inside Gmail.

Break silos, by synchronizing important customer details, like purchase history, with your email threads via Gmelius notes and comments. 

Build unique automation workflows.

Create custom automation workflows with our API. Automatically categorize and archive your conversations, draft replies, trigger and assign follow up tasks, add custom tags to your tasks and emails, and more.

Build with the Gmelius API

Ready to try it out? Sign up to start a free trial.

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