Create custom views for your shared inbox

Create and save unique combinations of filters to view conversations based on assignees or tags, monitor specific projects and clients, get quick access to conversations nearing an SLA breach, and more.
Custom Views
Email collaboration has never been more efficient. Create unique filter combinations in Gmail using Custom Views and adjust team workspaces to your needs.

Set up custom combinations to filter team emails

Frequently searching for specific conversations? Don't let any of them fall through the cracks. Define combinations of filters, and save them as custom views inside your Gmelius workspace.

Filter emails assigned to specific teammates, marked with a certain status or tag, and apply standard Gmail filters, whether it's sender, a subject line, or a date.

Organize your workspaces your way

Monitoring your team's workload couldn't be easier. Just as default views, your custom views will be saved as sub-folders and can be re-ordered inside your workspace.

Create custom views for your shared inbox

Explore our ever-expanding universe of integrations

Gmelius connects your apps via a unique 2-way sync architecture.

Vous souhaitez créer votre propre intégration ? Consultez notre API.
réponses plus rapides
aux e-mails
moins de temps passé à distribuer du travail
économisées par collègue tous les mois
Voici quelques-uns des changements auxquels vous pouvez vous attendre une fois que Gmelius fera partie des opérations de votre entreprise. Résultats de notre enquête auprès de nos clients durant l'année 2023 auprès de 429 personnes interrogées.

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