That is it, it’s finally here! As an official Google Partner and as a solution that integrates directly on to Gmail, we couldn’t be more excited to see this redesign come to life.
We also understand that it may raise some questions for our users and people contemplating getting the Gmelius solution, so let us answer some of them.
Are you ready for the new Gmail? Will the solution still work?
Yes, and yes! We have been working on making sure Gmelius works smoothly within the new Gmail interface. As it is now live we are double checking all this work and making sure we didn’t leave any feature behind. So you are good to go and use Gmelius to the fullest in your shiny new Gmail inbox.
If you do notice something not working, or a bug, do feel free to drop us a line or send us an email at [email protected], with so many personalizable ways to use Gmelius, it may be that we missed one combination and we will be right on it.
Where is my tracked folder?
To go with the sleek Gmail Redesign and reduce the number of folders on your left side panel, we removed our Tracked folder. You can still find all tracked emails inside your Sent folder.
What will happen to your Snooze feature?
According to popular demand, we decided to reactivate our smart Snooze feature. Gmelius users who were with us before the Gmail Redesign will now have our smart Snooze feature, with its advanced options such as snooze “if no one replies” and custom preset time, activated by default, replacing the simple Gmail snooze.
New users can turn on our smart snooze by accessing their Dashboard > Settings and activating the feature.

Disclaimer: Gmail offers snooze on their mobile application. If your Gmelius snooze feature is activated on your desktop, you will still be able to use Gmail’s mobile snooze and will receive your snoozed email back inside your inbox as normal. However, you will not be able to modify the snoozed emails you scheduled from your mobile within your desktop inbox. Our snooze feature will be available on our mobile app, which is currently being developed.
The collaboration platform for Gmail.
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