Effortlessly Share Emails from Gmail

Share, assign or delegate any email conversation with your team in one click or a simple @mention. No more clunky Forward or Bcc.
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Email Sharing

De-clutter your team's inboxes

You no longer have to send Bcc’s and Forwards to pass along an email. Gmelius allows you to share emails in one click.

Email sharing increases visibility and transparency. Unlike Forwards and Bcc's, team members can view all replies and get a consolidated view of an email conversation.

Delegate and assign email conversations in Gmail and Slack

You may want to share an email with your team, or officially assign it.

Whether you prefer working in Gmail or Slack, you can easily delegate an email to a chosen teammate. Two clicks, and it will be automatically placed within their “Mine” folder, and synced in real-time into your “Assigned” folder.

Email Sharing
Email Sharing

Collaborate seamlessly with your team

Gmelius lets you @mention your teammates in an email note, which shares the respective email thread.

Chat with your team and collaborate faster behind the scenes.

Automate your team collaboration

Gmelius allows you to include email sharing when automating your workflows. Use our sequences to create “If this - Then that” flows.

For example, “If our client replies to this email, apply a certain label, assign it to a certain team member, and add it to our project board.”

Email Sharing

Reclaim 1 hour per day managing emails.