What Is Email Management? Software, Strategies, and Solutions
What Is Email Management? Software, Strategies, and Solutions
Last updated:
January 21, 2022
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While staying on top of emails is vital in maintaining communication with clients and other team members, it can take a great deal of time out of your workday and shift focus from essential assignments. 

An email management solution can help resolve common issues associated with a crowded inbox to help your team collaborate better on incoming tasks. But you may be wondering: What is email management? How can I implement this for my business?

What Is Email Management?

Email management is the process of organizing, capturing, and responding to high-volume inbound emails received by an organization. Many companies receive a high quantity of internal emails. Like when a support team receives customer requests to a shared mailbox like support@ or an operations team receives emailed orders to their orders@ mailbox

Common Issues Email Management Helps Solve

An email management solution can help resolve problems your team may encounter when communicating across departments. This may include:

Gmail inbox cluttered

Inbox Clutter

For many, email management consists of sorting emails and clearing an inbox, but this method done manually cannot produce efficient long-term results. The average number of emails a person has in their inbox is approximately 200. While this number may seem manageable, it can quickly grow as the average worker receives 121 emails per day. If not managed properly, this can result in over 600 emails needing a response by week's end. 

A cluttered inbox can cause negative implications for a company as important inquiries can go unread, and valuable conversations can go missing. Conversations are often held online via email for a remote or hybrid team. These conversations may contain valuable information that team members and management must address. When these conversations go missing, there is no record of information to refer to. Therefore, email management is crucial in controlling inbox clutter to improve processes for a remote team. 

Long Cc Lists

Long email thread

Ensuring team members receive copies of important emails is key in maintaining communication; however, long email threads make it hard to keep track of. This also cuts down productivity as a great deal of time is spent ensuring the right team members are included in tasks. 

Record Keeping

Keeping track of company emails ensures that important inquiries are well-documented and safely stored. Since most company exchanges occur via email, these conversations are essential records for a company. Should these emails go missing, it can be detrimental to the business. 

Delegating/Assigning Tasks

Delegating assignments and assigning projects can take a great deal of time out of the day. And if your team works remotely, popping over to a colleague's office is not as simple. Each exchange occurs through various communication platforms, and if the discussion does not need an immediate reply, email is the top choice to communicate. However, between managing multiple email accounts and juggling numerous tasks, response times may increase while waiting for the right team member to respond. 

How an Email Management Solution Can Benefit Your Team

With asynchronous communication becoming the future of remote work, email management software can help your team organize tasks, delegate assignments, and automate workflow within one email platform. 

So, what is email management software? 

Email management software helps your team organize, sort, and respond to large volumes of emails collaboratively. And if your team uses Gmail, then Gmelius is the perfect solution for you. 

Gmelius is the collaboration platform for Gmail that helps team members streamline the email process, improve communication, and effectively distribute their workloads. When seeking an email management solution, Gmelius offers a variety of features to help improve your teams’ strategy when approaching a crowded inbox.

Shared inbox in Gmail

Shared Inbox, Shared Gmail Labels, Automation, and More With Gmelius

Addressing a cluttered inbox is no longer a problem when you implement a robust email management solution for your team. Gmelius allows your teams to manage group emails like support@ or info@ much quicker through the use of a shared inbox. A shared inbox gives each team member the ability to manage any company email you desire through Gmail. A team collaboration tool such as a shared inbox can help your team:

  • Eliminate clutter by managing company emails as a team
  • Delegate assignments to specific team members
  • Run internal conversations on the side of an email 
  • Turn emails into actionable tickets with Gmail Kanban boards

How does this work? 

Once you install Gmelius, your Gmail inbox will be transformed into your new workspace. Our email management tool fits right into a platform you’re already familiar with. Gmelius acts as a home to not only a shared inbox for your team but also shared Gmail labels and a host of other features for team collaboration and workflow automation.

Shared Gmail labels can make a big impact on your team. For example, that “important” folder that you keep adding more emails to? You no longer have to tackle that alone. Your team can share new or existing Gmail labels and synchronize conversations in real-time across team members. 

What’s more, Gmelius allows Gmail to integrate with other communication platforms such as Slack or Trello. This is done through our 2-way integration architecture which allows your team to connect everyday tools together. Furthermore, you can then convert any conversation into a task card and manage inboxes and projects with Gmail Kanban boards—a visual project management tool. This element can help team members see what needs to be completed, what tasks are in progress, and what is pending.

Email tasks from Gmail

Since a great deal of time can be spent switching back and forth between multiple email accounts and Cc’ing colleagues, your team can ditch the long email threads and focus more on collaborating via one platform. Gmelius can further help simplify this problem by using automation

Automating emails can help the right team members focus on which emails pertain to them. Workflow distribution is key in getting the right emails assigned to the right person of contact to help increase response times and provide context on tasks that need to go to a specific team member. Additionally, our software can recognize particular words in an email, for example, “return” or “invoice,” so that emails can be delegated properly to the right team member to automate your company's day-to-day processes and increase workflow. Your team can choose triggers and set conditions to auto-assign emails, apply tags and notes for context.

Automated Gmail workflow

Email management software gives your team much-needed time back to their day. Having all team members manage group emails can ensure important emails are read, labeled, and addressed on time. This management method will also improve organization so every email will have a place to be stored to ensure important conversations are well-documented and addressed. These emails can be removed to provide much-needed space for your inbox.

When wondering: What is email management? It goes far beyond just organizing an inbox. And email management software can help your team utilize quality features that can make a big impact on your company’s day-to-day workflow to maximize efficiency, productivity, and improve collaboration for the long haul. 

Are you ready to use Gmelius as your team’s email management tool? Check out our features and integrations and learn how Gmelius is built to improve team communication and collaboration. Ready to get started? Sign up today!

The collaboration platform for Gmail.

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