How to Create and Send a Sales’ Email
How to Create and Send a Sales’ Email
Last updated:
March 11, 2021
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Whether a head of sales or an account manager or even an entrepreneur, we all have had to send an email to a client which might lead to a sale.

Most of us deal with emails on a daily basis, but sales’ emails are just that bit different.

Not only their content is key, you want to grab the potential client’s attention, but they also have to be unique, different from your competitors, and mostly they have to be sent at the right moment.

Seeing their complexity, it is perfectly understandable that some people are left uncertain of how to go about them or simply get lost in their numbers.

Sales emails then take a lot of time and energy on top of daily work and actually handling the sales they lead to, and it is easy to get overwhelmed. But there are tools to help you with that initial email.

Test the Content of Your Email

Content is key, but, at the beginning of your sales outreach you might still be trying out different first approaches, or just want to vary your communication depending on your target.

That is when testing is important and templates are essential.

Using email templates you will be able to create, tailor, send and share multiple templates.

These templates will allow you to:

  • A/B test different emails in terms of content, format, subject line.
  • Add formatted text in the body of your email, including a number of variables, such as the name and email of your recipients, that will be automatically inserted, so your email are personalized.
  • Save time by using a hashtag in the subject line to automatically insert the template and send them on the go.

They also offer more advanced settings such as:

  • Setting which address to send the template from if you manage more than one email address from your mailbox.
  • Automatically labelling emails as they are sent out.
  • Adding Bcc/Cc recipients automatically.
  • Sharing your templates with members of your team.

Not What You Say But When You Say It

Once you have drafted the perfect email template you still need to be really careful in selecting when you wish for your email to go through.

Especially for your first email, you want to catch your client at the best time possible.

Marketing theory leads us to believe that the optimal time for your client to receive your email should be between 10am and 12pm, Tuesday or Thursday. But a lot of companies use theses timings, which mean a high competition and your timing will vary according to your product and your clients.

By scheduling your emails, you will be able to:

  • Send emails at a time when they are most likely to be opened and read
  • Account for differences in timezone when sending messages
  • Write work-related emails whenever you have time and schedule them to be sent within business hours

With your initial email fully tested, drafted and ready to go at the best time possible for your client, you are all set for the first step of a successful email sale.

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