Email Template

Accounts Payable

Late Payment Notification

A standard notification email to inform about a payment delay.


Payment Delay Notification for Invoice {{invoice.number}}

Dear &#123;&#123;to.fname&#125;&#125;,<br> We regret to inform you that the payment for invoice &#123;&#123;invoice.number&#125;&#125; will be delayed due to &#123;&#123;payment.issue&#125;&#125;. We expect to resolve the issue by &#123;&#123;payment.resolution_date&#125;&#125;. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding in this matter. <br> Best regards, <br> &#123;&#123;signature&#125;&#125;
About this
Email Template

The Late Payment Notification template is a strategic and effective tool in providing transparency about any delays in payments. It includes information about the issue causing the delay and the expected resolution date, allowing the recipient to adjust expectations and plans accordingly.

Applicable to any business that handles invoices and payments, the universal approach of this template ensures excellent lines of communication with suppliers and vendors regardless of the business sphere. Its clear, informative structure and respectful tone make this template suitable for a wide array of businesses.

To conclude, the Late Payment Notification template is a professional solution for dealing with unexpected payment delays. By directly addressing the issue and providing clear information for resolution, it ensures that such delays are communicated and handled professionally, keeping business relationships intact while managing operational issues.

A short Guide to
Late Payment Notification

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