Why we have built a new website
Why we have built a new website
Last updated:
January 29, 2021
Cut to the chase...
Get started with the world's first shared inbox designed for Gmail and Google Workspace.
Cut to the chase...
Turn your most effective emails into smart templates you can share with your team in Gmail.

We are a startup, and we are growing.

For startups and companies alike, launching a new website may seem common from the outside, but is usually a sign of deeper evolutions from the inside. Our website iterations tell the story of Gmelius. We invite you to take a look back at our journey, discover what's new on Gmelius.com, and give you a sneak peek at what is coming next.

A retrospective of our websites

At Gmelius, we started our journey in late 2016 by choosing to build a tool that natively integrates within Gmail.

Then, we have grown from a productivity tool to a leader in the shared inbox space. That was circa 2019.

In 2020, we're becoming the collaboration platform designed for G Suite and your company's daily apps (e.g. Slack, Trello, Zoom, and more).

We have come a long way. To illustrate it, here is a retrospective of gmelius.com since 2016.

Our new value proposition

Gmelius is shaping the Future of Work by building a new kind of collaboration platform. What we are building is unique: we are building a platform that lives where you work, natively integrated right into your everyday apps.

We have deepened our integration within the G Suite ecosystem to help you achieve more in G Suite thanks to frictionless email collaboration, Kanban board visualisation and workflow automation. Gmelius turns G Suite into a collaboration powerhouse, with next-gen email sharing functionalities, enhanced project management capabilities, while allowing teams to alleviate all the grunt work by automating repetitive tasks. Finally, we allow you to optimize your teams' operations thanks to SLA rules, while monitoring workload and performance through actionable Team reports.

Then, we know your day may start within G Suite, but your work continues across other apps. Therefore we are building a 2-way integration architecture to connect your everyday tools together. Too often team members have to switch back-and-forth between apps to share information with that other team, look for the most up to date information, or even duplicate work.

Gmelius allows your teams to continue working right inside the tools they already know and love, while keeping everyone on the same page. A team member can assign an email in G Suite, the assignee can reply to it from Slack, while another team member can review that email and change its status in Trello, with all updates synced in real time across G Suite-Slack-Trello.

With Gmelius, your teams' daily apps are synced together with no need to migrate data to a different third-party solution, nor to migrate teams to another application.

What's new on gmelius.com

To reflect our new value proposition, we have built new pages and sections. That said, our plans and pricing have not changed :)

Here is a short list of destinations we invite you to visit.
Check them out, you may discover Gmelius capabilities which you have not leveraged yet.

✅ Kanban boards - Our Kanban boards have come a long way and have become a must have to help teams manage their email pipeline visually, organise their work, and keep accountability clear. Have you tried to turn a shared inbox or a shared label into a Kanban board? If not, give it a try.

🤖 Workflow automation - Every team has repetitive tasks, from sending that follow up email to assigning a request to the same colleague every time, or even aligning agendas to schedule a meeting. What is the next task that can be automated for your team?

🔄 Integrations - We have built this new section to reference our existing (and upcoming) 2-way integrations, within G Suite and beyond. Are you using Slack, Trello or Zoom? Check out how Gmelius can connect your tools and allow your teams to collaborate from their existing tools.

❤️ Customer stories - We are excited to share how other companies are unlocking the value of Gmelius. Want to get inspired? Dig into our customer success stories and learn about how Gmelius helped them resolve their initial pain points and which features they are using.

What's next?

As Gmelius will continue to grow and evolve, our website will remain the destination where you can learn about our product. You can expect more articles on this blog with actionable tips on how to manage projects, get started with workflow intelligence and leverage our integrations.

We are also working on our upcoming integrations and public API which will be featured in the coming months. Additionally, we are thinking of ways to help you and your teams continuously unlock the value of Gmelius and learn to become Gmelius champions.

Gmelius.com is your destination and we would like you to take a part. What do you think of our new website? How would you like us to make it evolve? What kind of resources would you like to find? We invite you to head to our community thread to share your feedback.

One last thing...
We are a startup, scalability and speed are crucial. This website is our first website built with a full content management system, to allow our teams to update our website as quickly as our ever-evolving product. For those of you who wonder, we chose Webflow to rebuild gmelius.com and we have learnt a ton. We will come back to share our experience pre and post go live in the coming months for other companies who would consider doing the same.

The collaboration platform for Gmail.

Get Gmelius, it's free
Gmelius empowers your teams to collaborate, manage projects, serve your customers, and automate workflows without leaving Google Workspace and your favorite daily apps.
Cut to the chase...
Get started with the world's first shared inbox that lives in Gmail.
Cut to the chase...
Turn your most effective emails into smart templates you can share with your team in Gmail.

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