Great teamwork
is now possible in      Gmail.

Reinvent the way your team manages inboxes like support@ or invoices@. Replace your messy Google Groups and Help Desks with a shared inbox solution built for Gmail.

We offer the leading shared inbox solution in the market and here is why.


Gmelius seamlessly integrates with your existing tools.

Gmelius lives right in your Gmail inbox, letting your teammates work in an ecosystem they are comfortable with. You save time and money on migration, administration, and training.


Our Email collaboration solution scales with your needs.

Our unique architecture supports on a daily basis small and large organizations. Our largest customers count 5,000+ active collaborative inboxes and 10s of thousands of users.


We enforce a strict Privacy by Design model.

Our headquarters are in Switzerland, Europe, and privacy has always been proactively integrated into our platform. Unlike other services, Gmelius never stores the content of your emails.

Lack of visibility on emailsShared inbox can solve lack of visibility on email conversations
Low visibility on your company's workload, delays on critical responses, lack of clear ownership— sounds like your team?

Email is great for 1-to-1 communication.
 It is terrible for collaborating. 

Issue #1 Gmelius solves:When you have teammates signing into the same Google account to manage an email address 🙅

Password sharing is confusing, unsafe and not scalable. Convert any email into a Gmelius shared inbox and let your teammates manage this shared email from their own Gmail inbox.
Issue #2 Gmelius solves:When your company uses a standalone help desk solution or Google Groups 🙈

Ticketing systems prevent cross-team collaboration and isolate your customer service teams. Gmelius turns Gmail into a helpdesk and lets your whole company de-silo customer interactions.
Issue #3 Gmelius solves:When your teams discuss emails in Slack, your PM tool, ... 🤯

Emails are in the center of your operations. Stop copying/pasting them across different tools. Gmelius lets you discuss emails with the right stakeholders inside Gmail and offers 2-way integrations with your other tools.
Issue #4 Gmelius solves:When emails are slipping through the cracks 🕵

Email forwards and BCC/CCs just add noise to already crowded inboxes. Gmelius automatically synchronizes email conversations, email drafts, Gmail labels and inboxes with the right teammates so you don't have to FWD or BCC/CC an email ever again.
Shared Inbox in Gmail

Get full visibility on your team’s workload and clear ownership of tasks

Monitor and manage all your company's emails such as Billing, Support, Sales from any teammate's account.

Assign incoming emails to your teammates in 1-click or with simple @mentions.

Respond faster and more effectively to customers, vendors and colleagues

Automatically assign emails to teammates based on workload, use templates and automated responses for repetitive queries, notify teammates on Slack when needed, etc.

Set up and enforce SLA policies to ensure faster operations.
Try now, it's free
Auto-assignment in Gmail
Streamline your email processes with Kanban viewsStreamline your email processes with Kanban views

Visualize & streamline your processes with Kanban views

Organize your shared inboxes with Kanban boards and distribute your team's workload by dragging and dropping conversations from one column to another.

Convert emails into task cards, prioritize them, add sub-tasks and set due dates.
Try now, it's free

Measure and optimize your operations with a complete Analytics suite

Get precise data about the charge of your departments, assess individual team member performance, and guarantee your organization upholds its SLA commitments.

View multiple report types with a single click, and get key performance indicators sent directly to your inbox every week or month.
Try now, it's free
ail operations
Shared Label in Gmail

Collaborate easily across teams with connected workspaces

Don’t want to share a whole inbox with other departments or people in your organization? Share Gmail labels instead, and only share relevant emails.

Work together to craft more effective responses — with shared drafts.
Try now, it's free

Goodbye data silos.
Hello cross-app collaboration.

Connect your shared collaborative inboxes with Slack or other apps, notify your teammates where they are and avoid constant app switching.

Explore our unique 2-way integrations and let your team save time without needless back and forth.
Try now, it's free
Integrations with Slack and Gmail
Want to build your own custom integration? Check out our Public API.

That’s shared inboxes for you.The new, better way of doing email


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a shared inbox?

A collaborative or shared inbox is an inbox that makes it possible for multiple people to receive, read, manage, and reply to conversations sent to a specific email address - usually generic email addresses such as info@, support@, sales@, help@, accounts@, or careers@.

Differently from Google Groups and Help Desks, a shared mailbox is accessible from the personal inboxes of its members. In the case of Gmelius, a shared inbox lives right inside the respective Gmail inboxes of your teammates.

How to create a shared inbox?

Just click the button below to book a quick session with our team to get you started. We'll detail your needs and current setup, help you create a shared inbox and onboard your team.

I wish to create my first shared inbox
Can I have users from different domains part of my shared inboxes?

Yes, you can invite any user or company as long as they have Gmail or Google Workspace accounts. Furthermore, our Pro plan makes it possible to create specific groups if you need to segment users part of your subscription per client, department, ...

It's time to take back control of your workday

Leading email collaboration software
7-day free trial & no credit card required
5-minute setup
Cloud secure
99.99% uptime the last 12 months
Serious about security & privacy