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See how Gmelius can bring Genius to your Gmail.
10,000+ Teams Successfully Integrated Our AI Assistants into Their Daily Workflows.
Email is great for 1:1 communication. It is terrible for collaborating. Gmelius fixes that.
Get full visibility on your team’s workload and clear ownership of tasks right from Gmail
Monitor and manage all your company's emails such as HR, Billing, Support, Sales from any teammate's account. Assign incoming emails to your teammates in 1-click. Collaborate seamlessly with comments and @mentions.
Respond faster and more effectively to customers, vendors and colleagues
Automatically assign emails to teammates based on workload, use templates and automated responses for repetitive queries, etc. Set up and enforce SLA policies to ensure faster operations.
Streamline your team's workday with custom & kanban views
Organize your shared inboxes with Custom views or Kanban boards. Distribute your team's workload by dragging and dropping conversations from one column to another. Convert emails into task cards, prioritize them, add sub-tasks and set due dates.
Measure and optimize your email operations with a complete Analytics suite
Get precise data about the charge of your departments, assess individual team member performance, and guarantee your organization upholds its SLA commitments.
Collaborate easily across teams with connected workspaces
Don't want to share a whole inbox with other departments or stakeholders in your organization? Share Gmail labels instead, and only share relevant emails.
Work together to craft more effective responses - with shared drafts.