Digital tech is now a part of almost everything consumers buy, and support plays a key role. As IoT expands its integration into hardware, more and more products will require at least some level of support, from thermostats, to TVs, the car you drive, and more.
If you have any type of digital presence, consumers will expect customer support to help them navigate your ecosystem. This includes non-digital products or services promoted by your website or app. In all cases, a proper support system will lead to higher engagement and conversions. In addition, the delivery and management of your support will play an important role in how long your customers stay with you.
Assuming you are convinced on the value and importance of customer support - let's talk execution. But not by having to purchase or learn another tool or by having to add another process to your workflow. Imagine if you could deliver best-in-class support to your customers without leaving your inbox.
What if Gmail could act as a fully functional help center, allowing your team to come together, communicate and collaborate, on the support of your clients?
Gmelius empowers your Gmail inbox with a set of tools to fully manage your customer support. Shared Inboxes and Kanban Boards are just two examples, but together all the features in Gmelius deliver a holistic customer experience - service and support.
Customer Service or Customer Support?
Customer support is part of the larger customer service department of an organization.
Your customer service teams service your customers, while customer support teams support a product or service. Together they deliver a good customer experience.
The key is to have one solution in place which will allow you to manage these services in the most efficient way possible. The less you have to switch between tools to manage interactions, the better customer experience you’ll be able to deliver.
With Gmelius you can create a shared inbox, name it [email protected] and set it up to receive support tickets. From there you can assign emails to team members, add and share notes for context, change emails into tasks, add them to shareable boards, and more. Gmelius features work together to provide added value to your products and services.
Ready to turn your inbox into a help desk? Try Gmelius for free!

Support Your Customers with a Shared Inbox
Customer support involves technical problem solving, product feedback, documentation, finding new solutions, providing answers, troubleshooting, and more.
The type of business you run will dictate the support you need to provide. But no matter the industry, it’ll require a workflow for tracking each ticket from the time it arrives into the company inbox until it is resolved.
Gmelius lets you manage your group emails right from Gmail. So the [email protected] inbox can be shared with everyone in your team to resolve a ticket efficiently and deliver the best customer support possible.
If you’re the lead customer support person, you can share your entire mailbox (my Inbox) or selected conversations (my Label) with your team. Once you create your team inbox, you can save it and use the shared labels from your Gmail inbox for new tickets or projects.

With this configuration, anytime an email arrives at your shared mailbox it’ll sync with the team or people you have selected.
Essentially Gmelius has allowed you to create a customer support system in three steps with sharing capabilities so all relevant members get notified at the same time. But this is just the beginning.
After you share the inbox, you can assign tasks within it and resolve customer issues with a ticketing workflow.
Follow the journey of each customer support ticket
When you get a new email in your shared support@ inbox, it’s labeled “Unassigned” for every one you share it with. The email will also have an Open status. At this time you can assign the email using the Gmelius Ticketing widget. When you send the assignment, the recipient will get a notification and they’ll find the assigned email under "Mine."

Each action you take changes the status of the ticket from Assigned, to Open, to Pending - moving the workflow to the final goal of Closed.
When the assignment is closed, it’ll arrive at the closed email thread and show the entire conversation. This is a useful review process which lets managers track what has taken place in the customer support journey.
The last step is to add a tag that provides context to each ticket for future reference, followed by a reply to the customer notifying them their issue has been resolved.
Remember, this is all taking place within your Gmail inbox. This includes a Kanban board that gives you a complete visual overview of real-time actions with each customer support ticket.
Get a real-time view of customer support tickets

Kanban boards are simple yet effective. Gmelius takes them a step further by letting you share your board with your team. Everyone can view the board in real time as they collaborate to move the customer support workflow in the right direction.
After you create your board, you can add tasks, notes, due dates, and continue the thread with sub-tasks until the job is done.
What is the benefit of this overview? As a manager, it means not having to email or call each member of your team to see where they are any given time. One look at your boards and you see the status of all your tickets. If someone is behind, all you have to do is click on the task and send the person a note for an explanation.
Gmelius gives you a platform for clear transparency and a way to hold everyone accountable.
Get transparency and accountability within Gmail
Gmelius provides transparency and accountability. Managers can see the entire workflow and make each team member accountable for the tasks they have been assigned with detailed activity reports.

For small and medium-sized businesses, it means being able to deliver enterprise-grade customer support without the cost and training of enterprise solutions.
Are you ready to transform your inbox into a help desk? Install Gmelius and boost your team's productivity!